Meet the Best Casino movies ever

At a time when the entire gaming industry of online casino it is growing to "eyes", it will make perfect sense that one can know the casino films that, over the last decades of the 7th Art, have stood out the most. Based on the ratings, awards and still popularity of these casino movies, but also of gambling in general, we hope you can have an excellent session, while following the adventures in some of your favorite casino games.

Therefore, get to know the movie references about casino games that have stood out the most in recent years. As you will quickly realize, many of these great productions have elevated their actors to High flights in Hollywood. Proving, once again, that casino movies are still a very current genre and that results are in huge demand, due to their suspense and high adrenaline.

Rounders-Matt Damon is a prodigy at the casino game

# 1 Rounders – Matt Damon is a prodigy at the casino game

This being a true reference for most professional poker players, since 1998, we could not miss the reference to this great film about casino games, with greater emphasis on poker. Being more than proven in this film that poker is a casino game of skill, you can see that, really, Matt Damon's character, through his perception of the game, manages to defeat the villains of the film.

Of course, this film, which has had several nominations, is not only focused as a casino film, but also an action film that demonstrates well what the reality of casino rooms is like that are not exactly legal. In short, you will be experiencing all the excitement of Damon's character, a young man who wants to become a poker player, having several problems along the way.

Casino Royale-James Bond casino Filmreferences

# 2 Casino Royale-reference James Bond casino movie

It should be noted that although this film has a real reference to a casino, the truth is that this is not the first James Bond film in which the English spy 007 risks his luck (and sometimes his life!) in the game rooms. Being far from being just a casino movie, The truth is that in this great production, with Daniel Craig in one of his best performances as Bond, you realize that the Englishman is really very skilled at playing poker or blackjack.

Always with something very important at stake, the truth is that these movies about casino games also help you understand what your experience in a physical casino would be like. Of course, for the most part, he wouldn't be gambling huge sums like Bond, but he could experience some of the adrenaline rush that cinema's best-known spy also felt in the iconic scenes of casino movies.

21-it is proven that it is possible to beat the Casinos

#3 21-it is proven that it is possible to beat the Casinos

If you like casino movies that go far beyond just hoping Luck is on your side, the truth is that the movie “21” is one of the best in the history of cinema to explain how a casino game really works. In this production headed by actor Kevin Spacey, you'll learn how a team of mathematical geniuses managed to come together and beat the odds of blackjack.

Now, very different from the rest of the casino movies, what you can see is that this team, by demonstrating how they can count the cards during the game of blackjack, can really consistently beat this very popular casino game. Naturally, very quickly, and because card counting is considered something players should not do, problems begin to arise. Betrayals, chases and a lot of adrenaline in the game room is what makes these one of the movies about casino that even more fails and the players themselves advise.

Hangover 1 - when casino games play a decisive role

# 4 Hangover 1 - when casino games play a decisive role

There is no great doubt that The Hangover trilogy was one of the most successful in the last two decades of cinema, in the comedy component. So even for our casino movie list to not only be focused on the action-adventure genre, it will make perfect sense to also reference the first Hangover movie, totally focused on high-quality comedy, which is set entirely in Las Vegas, the gambling capital of the world.

So while much of the film is more focused on the fun you can have in Las Vegas, there are a number of scenes, like in the casino game movies, where you really realize that total mastery over a particular casino game will contribute to the odds being in your favor. This is precisely what happened in this casino movie, when Zach Galifianakis ' character, through the counting strategy in blackjack, managed to collect enough money to recover his friend, who would have been kidnapped.

Risk Game – of the most current casino movies focused on online

#5 Risk Game-of the most current casino movies focused on online

In fact, so far in our list of casino movies, the physical casino rooms component has been the most evident. However, in a 2013 film, know that “risk Games", starring Justin Timberlake and Affleck, demonstrate Well what the reality of online casino gaming is like and the importance of only being playing in licensed online casinos.

Timberlake's character, a poker genius, felt he was being duped by an online casino, and the results were rigged. Trying to figure out what's going on, he decided to travel alone to the headquarters of this same clandestine online casino. Since then, many revelations and twists have happened, making this most recent production already a reference in casino films. It is certainly an excellent choice if you want an approach to the most current online casino games!

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