Limit Hold'em vs. No Limit Hold'em

Poker is currently the most played card game in the world. The excitement is so great that it is almost impossible to remain indifferent.

Being such a popular game and with so much history, there are many variants of poker, each with its own rules and characteristics. For this reason, in this article, we are going to analyze the main differences between Limit Hold'em and No Limit Hold'em.

In fact, and despite being two very similar variants, the way they are played is completely different. The player, if he wants to succeed, will have to suit the variant he is playing. In addition, and above all, it is important that the player feels comfortable and enjoys the game.

If you play one of these variants and are thinking of trying the other, this article is for you. We will explain the main differences between Limit Hold'em and No Limit Hold'em, as well as how the two play in different ways.

Main differences

Main differences In terms of rules, the main difference between Limit Hold'em and No Limit Hold'em, and as the name implies, is whether or not there is a betting limit. Therefore, when playing Limit Hold'em, the maximum bet is fixed, and it is not possible to exceed this amount. On the other hand, in No Limit Hold'em, the player is free to bet the amount he wants. If you wish, you can bet all your chips (the famous all in ).

All other rules of the game are the same and follow the basis of hold'em games: each player is dealt 2 cards and 5 cards are laid out on the table. The player who gets the best combination wins.

Thus, it is easy to understand that No Limit Hold'em is a much riskier game, as it allows bets of any amount. When playing this variant, it is necessary that the player has control over his game and that he knows how to correctly manage his chips. On the other hand, Limit Hold'em is usually a more controlled game, as there is not much scope for big craziness.

Comparison of variants

Limit Holdem Below we present the main advantages of each of the variants. This way you can better understand how the game works and how you should approach it.

Still, keep in mind that there is no better variant than the other. The player must choose the one that best suits his characteristics, in order to maximize his winnings.

Advantages of Limit Hold'em

Get to know, then, the main advantages of playing with a bet limit in the online poker or physical.

Limit losses

The main and biggest advantage of playing Limit Hold'em is the fact that this variant limits players ' losses. As there is a maximum limit for each bet, the money that each player loses in each round is quite limited. Likewise, the winner of each round will never win exorbitant amounts of chips, since the amount of bets has always been controlled.

As it is easy to see, this game mode can be very useful and suitable for beginners and players who still cannot manage their bankroll correctly. With the maximum bet set, the player is safeguarded and will never lose gigantic amounts of chips at once.

More action

In this variant, players go to play many more times than in No Limit Hold'em. Being safeguarded by the betting limits, the risk of going to the game is much lower since, in case of defeat, they will lose much less chips. Thus, even with a not very strong starting hand, it is common for players to call the blinds, to see the cards on the table.

In short, if you like to always go to the game and not sit around watching others play, maybe playing Limit Hold'em is a good option, according to your player profile!

Calculation of risk

Despite being a somewhat complex task, in No Limit Hold'em it is possible to calculate the odds of winning a certain hand and the money you could lose, while in No Limit Hold'em we never know what to expect from the next player's bet. Therefore, in this variant we can get a much more precise idea of what could happen.

Experienced players are able to mentally calculate the possible winnings and losses, making decisions based on these results.

No Limit Hold'em

Advantages of the No Limit Hold'em variant

As it should be, we now present the advantages of No Limit Hold'em, which are:

Greater control over the game

With no bet limit, it is the players who dictate the course of each round. It is common for certain rounds to have quite low prizes and others quite high, since everything is in the hands of the players.

There is undoubtedly more room for creativity, with this variant being the most exciting moves in the poker world.

Higher potential returns

As you would expect, the potential returns in No Limit Hold'em are much higher than when playing with limit. At the same time, however, the losses may also be more significant. It is necessary, in this game mode, to have an excellent management of the chips.

Lower pressure

Since in this variant anything can happen, then large calculations are almost out of the equation. An experienced No Limit Hold'em player, who can calculate odds and make their moves from their calculations, has much less advantage in doing so in this variant.


As we can demonstrate, a small change in the rules of the game actually makes a big difference. Although it seems like just another rule, the fact that there is a bet limit or not completely changes the Times and strategies of the game.

As we have already mentioned before, there is no better variant than the other. Each player should know the two ways to play and choose the one that is best for him. The purpose of the game should always be to have the most fun.

Good luck and best wishes!

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