The best books on betting

You've probably heard about the importance of reading. So, also for those who like to play, whether in online casinos or physical, disenchant yourself if you think that to play it is not important to read too. Reading is not only a great pastime to nourish the soul, but rather a way to learn strategies, in order to put them into practice and thus achieve great prizes.

Thus, reading is extremely important, whether to learn the rules of the game and strategies or just to get acquainted with some interesting stories, so as to inspire you to your own victory. However, not all books are good enough, and sometimes some can just be a waste of time.

For this reason, we have decided to highlight some of the best betting books that we consider to be a great investment for your free time:

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Bringing Down the House

Bringing Down the House We put this book of bets in the first place, since it guarantees scientific evidence combined with a touch of humor. This 272-page book tells the true story of an MIT professor and his students who won an estimated $ 10 million in Las Vegas casinos. This is after they created a card counting strategy in blackjack.

Author Ben Mezrich maintained the authenticity of the story with a few jokes in the mix. In this way, you will be able to learn all the facts about how they managed to become famous and gain from this knowledge.

The Biggest Bluff

Knowing the rules of the game is not always enough, especially when it comes to poker. Therefore, understanding how to deceive your opponents is crucial to success, and the author of this book knows this well.

Now, Maria Konnikova, psychologist and author of this book, crossed psychology with gambling to describe and predict human behavior during the popular game of poker. That's why we recommend reading The Biggest Bluff,so you can find out how a poker beginner came to be one of the most feared women in the game.

Fortune ' s Formula

In 1956, 2 scientists, who wanted to get rich as soon as possible, decided to investigate betting and investing in stocks. In this way, they created the "formula of Fortune".

If you like sports betting or casino games, Fortune's Formula is sure to be one of the best books on betting you can read.

Thinking in Bets

Thinking in Bets The book Thinking In Bets was written by Annie Duke, a professional poker player. Unlike other books on betting, this book approaches the game from different perspectives.

Thus, the basic premise of this book is about decision making, exposing the idea that decisions are not like chess, but rather like poker.

While in the game of chess, everything depends on strategy and not exactly on luck, in poker, it is different. The player does not know which game the opponents have or what the next Cards are. Therefore, the game will depend on the odds and possibilities.

This is a different book that explores beyond gambling strategies and focuses on probabilities, and is great for expanding your decision-making mindset.

The Confidence Game

Before the release of the book The Biggest Bluff, in 2020, the same author made another publication in 2017.

The experienced Konnikova knows how easily our brains can be fooled. Then it is necessary to always be attentive to the smallest details. A careful approach to the world, places you as a successful individual, regardless of your aptitude for things, whether for poker or another area.

As often as we play, the options and opportunities seem, apparently, to have enormous potential for enrichment. However, they reveal precisely the opposite. Sharpen your sensitivity to detail with this book.

Gambling for Life: Harry Findlay

This book tells The True Story Of Harry Findlay, a legendary gambler who won more than $ 22 million in sports betting. This player, whose luck, knowledge and understanding of games and sports betting have earned him the status of revered, has a natural talent for reading sporting events, as no one else can.

The Logic of Sports Betting

The Logic of Sports Betting We also recommend the book The Logic of Sports Betting. Where author Miller reveals in simple terms what makes sports betting work.

The author explains why bets placed in a hurry are usually a bad idea. It also differentiates how betting can be just a hobby or how to achieve a return with it.

In addition, Miller tries, with this book, to debunk the myths of gambling and sports betting, assuring his readers of the path to success in sports betting.

However, it is obvious that this book will not give you easy solutions nor the foolproof method to get rich with sports betting. However, it will reinforce your knowledge and understanding of how this betting world works.

Squares & Sharps, Suckers & Sharks

With the abundance of books on this topic, it was difficult to choose the last one on our list. However, Joseph Buchdahl, the author of this book, explores the psychology of gambling and why some players tend to be better than others. Thus, the reader will embark on a different mission in a book that cannot be missed.

It should be noted that this book does not answer your questions started with “how”, but rather questions started with “why”. With this book, you'll explore the science, psychology, and philosophy behind the world of gambling to answer some of the whys and wherefores. Such as determining why people gamble or, more importantly, why most lose.

In short, although it is at the bottom of our list, this is a must-read book that exposes what players do unconsciously, while taking risks with bets.


Without a doubt, books are powerful motivating instruments and reading them is crucial for anyone who decides to enter the world of betting and casino games.

Therefore, within all the books, these were our reading suggestions, being these useful for any type of consultation or players. Still, these books masterfully reveal several important tactics, tricks and winning techniques. In addition, they share true stories to inspire players to success.

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