Self-Exclusion: How Does It Work?

For most gamblers, gambling is just a form of fun. However, for others, it can become an uncontrollable addiction.

In this way, the governments of the various countries carry out self-exclusion programs, which prohibit players from placing any type of bet, either in a physical casino or in an online casino.

It should be noted that gambling addiction is a serious problem. So if you feel that your desire to gamble is becoming unmanageable, then perhaps this self-exclusion program is for you. Admitting your problem is not giving a weak report. Quite the contrary, since it shows courage and willingness to solve this created problem. Later in this article we will explain how to integrate this program.

If, on the other hand, you are worried about a family member or friend, know that you will have to submit to self-exclusion yourself. But you can still try to help the person psychologically and make him understand the seriousness of the problem.

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What is the self-exclusion program?

What is the self-exclusion program? The self-exclusion and Prohibition program, managed in New Zealand by the Gaming Inspection and regulation service, promotes player protection and a Responsible Gaming Policy.

As the name implies, the program is not about any prohibition or ban imposed by third parties. On the contrary, this starts from the will of the person himself to exclude himself. Thus, participation in the program assumes that the bettor in question assumes that he has a problem and that, in fact, he wants to join a self-exclusion in a casino or bookmaker.

By accepting the terms of the program, the individual is excluded from the country's casinos. You can even, in some cases, be fined if you breach the contract. Depending on the legislation of each territory, the rules may cover not only land-based casinos but also online casinos.

How to realize that I need to self-exclude?

Self-exclusion is suitable for all individuals who feel that they are forming a problem in their relationship with betting or gambling.

For example, are you reading this article because you feel uncontrollable urges towards casinos? Now, know that recognizing your problem and informing yourself is the first step to a better and more balanced life.

Everyone who faces a gambling problem, regardless of what problem it is, can and should belong to the self-exclusion program. Quitting gambling addiction is up to you.

How can I enroll in the program?

The form of registration, as we have already mentioned, is different from country to country. Still, the process is usually very simple.

In New Zealand, go to the srij website and check the two available fields. The first concerns betting in physical casinos. While the second refers to online betting. Of course, you can request self-exclusion for any of the means in which you want to self-exclude.

To request the ban in physical casinos, download the available application and send it, duly completed, to the indicated email.

If, on the other hand, you want to self-exclude from betting at online casinos, then the process is simpler. Simply fill out the indicated form with all the required data, within the srij platform.

Can I sign someone else up?

Participation in self-exclusion must be completely voluntary on the part of bettors. In this way, only the person himself can sign up.

In addition, participants should be aware of their problem before joining the program. Integration into it will not make sense,, if the person concerned is enrolled in a forced way.

In this sense, we have one more reason for accession to be done in a totally autonomous manner.

How long does the ban last?

The period of duration of self-exclusion is defined by the applicant for self-exclusion. You can select a ban of between 1 and 5 years.

After the end of the period, the self-exclusion may or may not be renewed.

How does it work, in practice?

If you have requested exclusion for physical casinos, you will be prohibited from entering these buildings. This is to ensure that you do not place any bets or start playing.

On the other hand, if your program is aimed at online casinos, then you will be unable to log into your account or create a new one at any legal online casino in New Zealand.

As we have previously mentioned in this article, if you break these rules you may incur very large fines.

How effective is self-exclusion?

Naturally, the program will be as effective as the person's will to overcome their addiction. Bans can usually be easily lifted through a simple request. For this reason, bettors can have several relapses.

At the same time, the ban is only valid for legal and registered casinos, that is, nothing guarantees that a person will not continue to bet illegally on other operators.

Thus, it is very important that there is a monitoring of the mental health of the person, in order to ensure that they can, once and for all, overcome this difficulty.

Where to find psychological support?

The difficulty in controlling the impulse to bet is usually associated with a psychological problem.

Therefore, the bettor must be supported at all times, so that he understands and can work around his problem.

In New Zealand, the Institute of Player Support does an excellent job of supporting bettors / players. We highlight the specialist consultations and the helpline. In addition, the Institute promotes lectures, studies and articles on this issue.

However, we emphasize once again that the problem can only be treated if the person has the desire to change and end, once and for all, his gambling addiction.


Gambling addiction should be regarded as an addiction equivalent to tobacco, alcohol, or any other. However, this problem is often perceived as milder or even harmless.

However, it is important for the general population to understand what is going on with players in difficulty and know how to help them in case of need.

So the self-exclusion programme is a great way of trying to provide punters with a common thread by starting their treks against their problems.

If you find yourself in this position, don't be ashamed and be part of the program. If you know someone with this problem, let them know about this chance to improve their life.

Good bets! But of course, always safely and responsibly!

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